Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

An amazing catch

Wow, what a fluke of a catch.
This bird in full wing, looking for a place to land. Amazing and beautiful.

I’m not much of a birder although when we moved to this field somebody got us a bird recognition book, and it’s been a great treat to see a bird and look it up and find out what it is. I start to catch a glimpse of what many bird people enjoy about their hobby.

Today was Tuesday and that means an early start. Had a meeting with other church leaders by zoom and listened to some of the forecasts of the future, and what the church may look like down the road.

I am encouraged by the potential where this could take the church, helping it to be better than it’s been for a number of years.

Seems that lots of camps and parachurch organizations are hurting deeply though because donations are down.

This bird is a good reminder to me that as frantic as I may appear sometimes, the beauty that God has placed inside of me is still there.

Thus endeth the lesson for this week.

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