
By Dee49

Happy Birthday :)

This time, 9 years ago, I was ready for baby number 2 :)

I'd been up out of bed for around an hour, when I had a 'show'. (sorry if this is TMI :)
Ah well, all fine. I'd already had a baby not so long before, all was calm, I was an expert by now y'know :)

I drove a fair few miles to visit a friend. Once she learned of my morning, I was promtly and dare I say a little abruptly turned to the door, told to go home.............. and chucked out!!
In the afternoon, I had another show and some very mild contractions. As I wasn't in any pain, I had a bath and set about preparing dinner for a couple of friends who were visiting.

Halfway through dinner, I turned to my 'then partner' and said right out of the blue....... "we need to go......"

"ok, I'll just finish my dinner", he said.

"um NO!!. We need to go and we need to go NOW!!

By the time we reached the labour suite, I was the full whack dilated but my waters were refusing to break!
The midwife asked if I wanted her to break them!
"Good god, I don't bloody know. You're the flippin midwife, what do you think?!!!!!"

Luckily coz I was the expert, I told her to go ahead.

Abbie was born a very short time later. Slightly quicker than the midwife would have liked. Y'know that moment when the head is crowning and they tell you to stop pushing so they can turn the baby? Well, apparently, that's why Abbie was born resembling a tomato............... coz I pushed then. (well c'mon, seriously, you try waiting like that without a single painkiller in sight)
So when those folks came round the ward to ask if I wanted a picture of my newborn baby.................. I politely declined :)
I was home 6hrs later.

One of my fears, was that I wouldn't feel the same intensity of love as I had with my first born. How utterly and ridiculously naive. How could you not love this girl? :)
She may have been a horrible shade for a day or two, but now, I had two children that I would die for.

Happy 9th birthday to my girl. Once your skin tone returned to normal, you were the most beautiful baby with huge blue eyes. (and you're not getting out till you're at least 21!! :)

PS: if the blip police ask about this photo, I'll be telling them that I had Abbie use the No 7 for a day or two :))

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