
My usual stroll to the river was cut short today. The weather started dismally so I decided to do boring stuff mainly involving creating a new savings account to try and scrape a couple of quid extra interest. Oh for those pre 2008 days when you could stick that couple of quid in the bank and go on holiday on the interest at the end of the year! Anyway I filled in all the online bumf and hit the 'apply' button just at the same moment as the internet went down (that felt very pre 2008). On looking out the window I see an Open Reach van and a man down a hole. Putting 2+2 together I stroll across the road and announce to the man in the hole that my internet was dead. Could it by any chance be anything to do with what he was doing? "It should be ok now" he says twiddling a couple of wires. I thank him and return to a revived internet, and to going through the whole process of applying for the savings account application again. All done. I have a savings account, maybe two, I must check. 
During this time the weather has been turning brighter and brighter so I hurriedly pull my boots on, grab the camera and head towards the river. Just as I get to the bridge the sky seems to give a frown the clouds furrow their brows and, lo, rain. Not having a waterproof camera I grab a couple of quick shots of the path to the river and retreat. Of course I get back to the house and the rain stops but I'm not going back today, 'cause I know what those clouds will do as soon as I venture out again.... 

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