Gray Victor


grays engage
on granite steps
glazed white
the greediest
guardedly grazing

Twelve plump gray squirrels dominate the birds at the feeders this morning. Greedy acrobats, grabbing seeds and peanuts from the luckless birds. None are tame, so this dray of squirrel cousins doesn't include my favorite gray squirrel of all, Nelson.

This looks so like an etching to me, I'm very in love with my little Leica X2.(this etching business is posted after Bethanne's guess as to which camera I used.)

The 91 year old year mother of a forever friend is in the hospital for tests. She and my late mother went to college together and taught at the same school in their first teaching jobs in the late '40s Hopefully D will be released today. She thinks she's still 60 and is lots of fun, fingers crossed that things will go well.

6pm UPDATE, D's safe and sound, back home with her husband.

For the Record,
This day came in cold and gray, warming temps coming to night with heavy rain and winds to melt the dusting of white and ice.

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