On it's way!

Got the dogs out before the rain came. It was very windy though. 

I've continued to paint one of the spare bedrooms, it's rather nice being able to take my time and not be under pressure to be somewhere else, in lockdown there's always tomorrow to continue a job started.

As restricting as this  lockdown time feels it's strange how one adapts to a way of life. My mornings are lazy and slow, although I wake up early, there is no need to hurry .... Leisurely morning coffee, more often than not in bed, leisurely shower, no time restrictions when walking the dogs etc etc. I feel like a retired person - Oh yeah! That's what I am!!! I think we're going to find it hard to adjust when all this is over. 

Congratulations Captain Tom on reaching 100 years birthday, and raising over £30 million for NHS charities. Incredible, and wonderful at how generous the public can be.

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