My quarantine buddies.

I feel very lucky to share this isolation with John and Chloe. I just can’t imagine what it must be like in a flat on one’ s own.

Our days pass no problem. We do our chores , bake , garden , play Scrabble and FaceTime the family and friends. Our walk is an important part of the day and then we need to do our Blip.

Poor Fifi and Lyall had no heating today. They also noticed an irregular mark on their living room ceiling. The gas board came , fixed the boiler but after touching a pipe the water cascaded through the ceiling . I await an update but due to Fifi ‘s quick thinking the carpet and couch are not ruined. Between the gas board diverting the water and Fifi covering furniture and carpets with absorbent sheets all is not lost.

Just before all this drama we had a FaceTime lunch with James and Annabelle.....the highlight of our day! (Extra pic)

Clap at 8 tonight!


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