Stillness Speaks

By BethanneWho

Turning Over an Old Leaf

My camera has been on the same setting for years now. I do a lot of photographs of my hand dyed fiber for my online shop. So all the other settings on my Nikon suddenly (well 7 years isn't really suddenly) all the other settings that I could once upon a time flip to naturally, these settings are alien to me. Time to find the manual and remind my brain how it all works. I have no idea what I did to get this shot but hey! It worked so I'm cool with that.

I'm on my own now. I have lost three pets in the last three years. I am actually glad I deleted my old Blip journal since I photographed my dogs and cats so much. My now Avatar won Blip of the week once upon a time. That is India. She lived to 13 (almost 14). If I still had my old journal i think it would break my heart all over again. How does one center an Avatar photo?

I thought since I don't have the dogs to get me outside any more, and I tend to work around the clock if not stopped, that coming back to photography right now may be a healthy thing for my soul. So here I am, my old faithful beloved Nikon in hand.

I hope to catch up with old friends here soon. Baby steps. 

So being back  - is that turning over an old leaf?

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