Growing old disgracefully



...a woman at her desk. It was one of those 'let's get home out of the howling wind and rain, crank up the heating, put on the lights and batten up the hatches' sort of afternoons. So there I was, busy with some last minute applications for next week's course when the room was filled by an immense wash of golden light. When I looked out I thought that the East Church was on fire - but no, that was just the sun laughingly reminding us of its existence.

The Michael Marra concert last night was a highly moving tribute to an inspirational singer songwriter. I'm no use at understanding far less commenting on music, but I was taken with the intimacy of the performance (in spite of the size of the Glasgow Concert hall) the diverse selection of musicans new and old who were celebrating his art, their obvious love for the guy and the kick they were getting from perfoming together. Liz Lochead performed a special poem for the occasion and we went home thoughtful.

It's been a week for eating out, and it's only Tuesday. Today to Mother India to lunch with Big Brother No 3. Just a wee bowl of clear broth tonight, methinks.

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