
By LyndyH

Acceptance and Letting Go

This is a photograph of a photograph taken of our Little Man as a much younger dog.

It has been a difficult day for me today. I have done a lot of thinking and have realised that I need to find acceptance and begin the process of letting go.

Harris has been different today. I went with what I hoped he needed and let him sleep in this morning. We did go for a walk later in the day, but it didn't seem like he really wanted to.

I haven't shared this before on my Blips, but Harris has canine dementia, not diagnosed, but I know our dog well and I have done my research.

I have come to recognise and admit to myself for the first time that I have 'lost' Harris already. I have been in denial about this. It is very painful to witness your dog retreating and withdrawing into a world you cannot go to.

So my task is to learn to accept Harris for where he is today. To let him go and let him be the dog he is today, not the dog he was five, ten or fifteen years ago.

I will go day by day and continue caring for him as best I can, accompanying him on his journey. I will do the best by him.

Thanks for listening.

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