
Noticed this lonely flower in the Camellia Bush, it has not flowered very well this year. I have not been publishing very often, mostly once a month for quite a while. I still enjoy looking at other Blippers Blips and will continue to do so, but sadly have lost my Mojo and the loss of our Honey on Wednesday has made the situation worse for me, the loss of our constant companion for over 12 years may not seem important to some people at the time of all these Covid-19 deaths, but to us it is, we are finding thing that were hard much harder, expecting to see her little cheery face appear looking to go for her afternoon walk. I wish I felt better but sadly I don't, my blipping at the moment has little appeal to me. I am sorry to sound so negative at the moment, but sill wishing that everybody who follows me keeps safe at this trying time.

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