Let it ....
..... Shine .
Today was my middle granddaughter God Fathers funeral , tho' he'd been ill for some time it was sad that the C 19 was his enemy . So sad for all who have lost loved ones and friends especially when the funerals are limited in these awful times. Malcolm was a very clever man and a true gentleman but Parkinson's disease made his work extremely difficult and sadly he declined .my thought , prayers and love are with the family. As it was an employer of my daughter C the family will be upset today also. My youngest granddaughter has asked her friends and family to light a candle and send photos to her which she has put on social media as they are ( as most) not able to be there. Such a sweet thought bless her.
I've done a little stroll today , swept some of the petals up ( but the wind is still blowing , so a bit like painting the forth bridge!!) potted a couple more plants , now it's chilly so I'm indoors having a cuppa.
Enjoy the rest of Friday folks and stay safe.
Grateful .... for KJD who's again has done my weekly shop bless her . Thank you x
For Malcolm RIP
The Ship
What is dying?
I was standing on the sea shore,
a ship sails in the morning breeze
and starts for the ocean.
She is an object of beauty
and I stand watching her
till at last she fades
on the horizon
and someone at my side says:
" she is gone".
Gone! Where?
Gone from my sight - that's all.
She is just as large in the masts, hull and spars
as she was when I saw her,
and just able to bear her load of living
freight to its destination.
The diminished size & total loss of sight is in me, not in her,
and just at the moment when someone at my side says, " she is gone" there are others watching her coming,
and other voices take up a glad shout:
There she comes!'
and that is dying.
Bishop Brent ( 1862 - 1926 )
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