Hello May

The reason this little white gem won today's contest for my "welcome to May" Blip (rather than the glorious blue skies and magnificent wisteria in extra) is simply because these wild flowers (I don't even know what they are) so abundant now among the long grass, normally get mown down by the gardeners before they get the chance to bloom, but of course, now that the gardeners are not here..... Another example of nature revelling in covid-19 lockdown for humans.

No on line classes today, being May 1st, Labour Day. Can't see the point of anything , so nothing was my companion until 16.30, when I went outside to feed the gazillion hungry campus cats and walk about for an hour.

19.00 long haul 90 minute God-I-needed-that video chat with Robin in Baku and now waiting for 21.00 when Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, is live streaming the ballet "Winter's Tale" on Youtube... -here)

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