Trial and Error

By DawnC

On the shelf

I took a few things off one of the shelves in my office at work today and came across this bear sitting in the corner looking a little fed up. When I started this job, about two and a half years ago now, I inherited him and he used to sit on the middle of my desk. Unfortunately, though, he was getting in the way of my work (I like to spread out) so one day I popped him on the shelf in the corner....and forgot all about him. I feel a bit bad about it now :( I must find out where he came from and whether he has a previous owner he can be reunited with, or find him a new one.

In other news, I am getting REALLY sick now of trying to avoid and/or driving through pot holes following the recent cold snap. They are EVERYWHERE. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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