Botanical Collage
Warm day with some sun that came out and the Olympics were popped out beautifully. Since it's flower friday I'm doing another collage from the botanical gardesn....always a nice walk there. The rains are coming back they say tomorrow so ok! Our governor is being very sane about dialing our state open slowly...nurseries and soon some state parks....He is trying hard not to have us surge back into a free fall of ramped up virus numbers....but we need more testing and tracking to be safer...odd because it's the Federal guidelings that the president set wtih the Federal team and yet he's now yelling for states to "liberate" that our strickly following his own guidelines. I'm thankful for sanity and sad for the continued loss of life...Thankfulness for our dedicated healthcare and many workers out there on the front lines bringing the rest of us supplies...I figure being safe here is the least we can do .
happy May Day!!
Thanks to Biker Bear for this Friday Flower Day!
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