Crab Apple Blossoms Revisited

I had to make another trip to the studio today. So I thought I'd take another crack at the flowering crab apple trees around the parking lot since today was a gorgeous blue sky sunny day. The white blossoms really looked great with the blue sky background. The light breeze made the blooms a little uncooperative, but I managed to get a few snaps I liked.  Guess this counts for Flower Friday too!

Today my youngest celebrated her nineteenth birthday. She is the third of four of us to celebrate under the lockdown. We surprised her by arranging to have a number of her friends drive by to say hello. She was truly surprised! The best was when a caravan of her friends from high school all showed up together and paraded into the driveway. Then the kids sat in a large circle on the lawn and had a good, fun, responsibly socially distant catch up. Unfortunately, since I had to go to work today, I got to see the fun through some text images and a video. Still, it was a good day!!

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