the turk returns

By skyedog



He stood on the footbridge with his collar turned up
to keep the winter winds at bay. The same footbridge,
that, as a child, he passed over daily on his way to the
local village and the school house that he attended at the
insistence of his father. "knowledge is the key to life" was
his fathers parting words as he headed off to school.
A satisfied expression crossed his face as he stood on the
footbridge and for the first time admired the view, life could
not be better, he thought to himself. The deep cold waters of
the lake, surrounded by the fallen leaves, which look golden
brown in the winter gloom. And there was the Tower,standing
proudly on it`s mound over looking the estate.
"The Tower", he said aloud, " what dark and mysterious secrets
it holds ". He shivered , as his expression changed to sadness and
despair. He knows what he must do, but, is he strong enough to do it?



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