Then and now.

Got to the end of the day and hadn't taken a photo, so nipped up to the village for a then and now shot. In these Covid19 times it's easier to get a village picture without the constant stream of traffic.

This was the old village school. At the time the photo was taken it had been converted to a YMCA to support the invasion of troops coming in to train...( Kitchener's Army!)  So just pre WW1. The building is now a private dwelling. 

This path takes you along to the church. The girls will remember walking 'crocodile file' along this route from their school to various church services - Harvest festival is probably the most memorable. It's a very pleasant walk along the side of the brook, although I'm not sure they enjoyed it! I've taken a photo from further along this path before, but don't know how to link it here! When we arrived in the village the building on the right was a hardware shop, it's now a 'very pleasing' to browse through gift shop. I believe at the time of the old photo it was a Butchers shop.

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