Relaxing Saturday

We had a relaxing Saturday today with some exercising, bread making, gardening (not me), game playing, dog walking and a garden visit with the grandparents. They sat indoors with the patio doors open and we sat outside (having gone round the side gate), keeping 2m away from them. It wasn’t that warm so we all dressed up in coats to go over. Anyway, they enjoyed the company. They haven’t been out at all for six weeks, even for a walk, so it’s important that they see us some of the time and they really appreciate our visits when we take the shopping or call over with the paper.
Miss M and I took the dogs for a walk. The gate to a field was open so we snuck in for a photo. Lovely spring colours everywhere.
Looking forward to a fire pit tonight and Skype games with friends. Don’t know why we never did this before, as lots of our friends live so far away. Hopefully this is the start of something new (would still rather be with them though!).

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