Not so much...

...a blazing saddle, but it's a very bright one...
We unearthed this with the rest of the bike gear, so saved it for Silly Saturday! It was a silly Christmas present some time ago, and my sister knitted it up for me. I haven't used it in anger - yet - but I may need extra padding if we decide to go on a longer ride...  ;)
I did have in mind the Rawhide  theme, as I thought they said "saddle up" in it - but apparently not...
It was a bit windy today, so we just did the pigsties walk instead - and there in one of the pens was a pig, sunning itself contentedly!

More music follows - keep them coming ;) 

evolybab   Turn! Turn! Turn! - The Byrds

gblrps    Hot! Hot! Hot! - Arrow

Torag    Forever in Blue Jeans - Neil Diamond

AngelsShare   Both Sides Now - Joni Mitchell

DollyDoug   Flowers - 5 After Midnight   I Miss You - Incubus


Corona Classics

60plus    Blue Moods - Miles Davis    Take Five - Dave Brubeck 

Dolly Doug    Rimsky-Korsakov Flight of the Bumblebee

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