Silly or crazy?
At 09.48hrs I took delivery of 1.5 tons of bark chippings ........ at 15.39hrs I sat down with a coffee to admire my hard work. I'm not aching now but have a feeling I might not be quite so supple in the morning.
Yesterday afternoon I could hear a chain saw nearby, some guys were working in a garden on the opposite side of the road .. I could do with bark chippings for the plot. Should I be cheeky and enquire what they were going to do with the chippings .............The very nice tree surgeon said they would be emptied at his yard, I mentioned that I was interested. "I can drop them off tomorrow morning at 8.30am if you want them" F.O.C .. Boom! I got to the plot early, netted the gooseberry bushes, sorted the netting for the blueberry bushes, plus a bit of weeding while I waited for delivery.
"I take it these are communal?" Next but one allotment neighbour walking towards me with his wheelbarrow as I'm loading my barrow.
"No, they're mine" says I with satisfaction. Said neighbour never says hello, but was there like a shot .. I had a quiet chunter. That's not me really, honest. I'd already offered them to a lady that was there early like myself. She had 4 sackfuls and offered to give me something towards it next time I saw her ... I told her there was no need. I did'nt tell her it was free. I actually gave Mike, the tree surgeon, £5 even though he did'nt want to take it.
Thanks to admirer for hosting Silly Saturday.
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