
By Nicky1

The art of communication!!

I think my household is keeping apple in business!!
Shocking we have 3 iPods, 2 iPad minis, 1 iPad and an Iphone!!! And, I have to admit I would be lost without my iPhone. Some would say the art of conversation is dying. I think the way we communicate is evolving and changing and that can be a good thing. We can keep in touch with friends and loved ones who are miles and miles away. The ipad has been a life saver for R since we moved house, he can keep in touch with his pals out with school and has helped him settle into the new house. Emails and texts are very practical and useful but obviously lacks tone, emotion and feelings . I love receiving a hand written card/ letter through the post or having a conversation face to face with somebody. Being aware of and understanding their body language , facial expression and tone of voice. It's not what they say it's how they say it.
It's good to talk!

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