Poppy and Company!

10°C  -  Feels like 8°C  -  10 mph NE Wind Speed  -  13 mph Gusts  -  Sunny  -  Some clouds.  Brilliant gardening weather.  Sunny, dry, but cool enough for comfortable gardening..  Girl who’s caretaking next door brought her father’s corded mower along to mow the grass.  What with her not knowing how to operate it, and her and her dog getting all tangled up in the cables I offered to cut it for her with my cordless mower.  Twenty minutes and all was shipshape  -  I even had enough battery life left to cut some of my own grassâ˜ș  Did some more Aquilegia transplanting, and inevitable Dandelion howking.  The orange poppies are coming out now  -  this one joined the Dandelion, Cowslip, and Garlic Mustard (Jack-by-the-Hedge) invaders for a blip!

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