A gift!

Forget the plans ......all change!!

I had planned to do some specific garden jobs, then sew today.

I might have guessed that things would be different when B called down stairs to say that he’d managed to get a click and collect slot for Tesco’s!!!! It’s 3 weeks since our last one which had restricted numbers and was further reduced by ‘not available’ items. I was amazed to find that it’s for this week.......not in 3 weeks time. A few items in to secure it......rest tomorrow when I’ve check the cupboards and fridge carefully. That’s quite easy to do as I’ve never seen them so empty.

Then my phone started pinging. Friends were spending Sunday morning catching up .......more conversations today than I’ve had in total for the past week or two.

One of the messages had an interesting offer ......rhubarb .....can be delivered!!! I jumped at that and after discussions about a bike, a canoe, maybe a car ......the doorbell rang and there was a long haired P with his car and a canoe on the roof, and a bag of rhubarb on the doorstep. We had a chat, at a distance, and caught up on all of his news. Appearances have changed with the absence of haircuts!!

He also told us about an interesting Gresham lecture on COVID-19 by Chris Whitty. It runs for 1hr 20 mins, so needs some planned time set aside. I managed 1hr, then had to take a phone call so haven’t hear the end of it. I will be back as it explains things very clearly. If you are interested just Google it.

B saw a hedgehog running across our patio last night about 10pm. I put some biscuits into last year’s feeding area, which had disappeared by this morning. May have been eaten by a cat .....or something else. No poo deposits to indicate a hedgehog. Tonight I have put more out and some in the unused hedgehog nesting box, which is not accessible to cats!!! We will see what tomorrow shows !

PS 11pm the first shot of the year of a hedgehog!!!!!

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