Green Veined White

Out for a bike ride this morning. Just a short ride over the Vale of Pickering. Stopped to take a photo of the camper van with unusual garden in a field entrance. Further along saw three hares racing across the fields but no chance of a photo.

Good to see the butterflies back after a cold and wet few days. Had to smile at the goats antics.....the grass is always greener. Lock down is obviously getting to him.

My ride was fortunately in the dry. On my return to Pickering the roads were very wet! Had timed my escape to perfection 

My next project is the landing window. So many layers of paint so I have decided to get back to wood. However this could be a challenge in itself. Because a lot of the paint will be pre 60s it will have lead in it. At least the bottom sash can be taken out to tackle.

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