Now we are six

This gorgeous sausage is six

He’s had a pretty cool lockdown birthday.
We had a few presents this am before a breakfast of pancakes with chocolate spread
Then a face time treasure hunt for his present with grandma and then
Unki Jamie.

We headed out for scoot to give his new scooter a run - saw the manfords on our way - Wom was so excited to see them

Another FaceTime with grandfather this time.

Lunch was picnic plates

Afternoon of fun / playing and bouncing

He was so excited to get the Lego fire station he really wanted.

Drive party at 3pm
Adults stand 2m apart and chat - the tinkers chatted and ate cake

His cake looked pretty cool
Pink and green sponge with vanilla frosting all made into a piñata cake

FaceTime with nanny and grandad

Bbq tea as requested

Last face time of the day with suz (Childminder)

He’s had a lovely day

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