
A walk round the streets with eco mum and the 2 dogs.

Over to allotment to get plot ready for planting and water the greenhouse.

Then to bees. Sorted out the hive I split last week not happy with nuc so merged back with the queenless part. I still think it will swarm as loads if flying bees in with the queen. The bait hive was getting checked out. Tomorrow lunchtime sorted.

Out to bees out west. Met a blipper, did not recognise me as I walked towards them. Must be the smile..

Chat with laird at distance.

The laird caught this in the greenhouse it was stunned so he kept it quiet and warm before it flew off.

Went through the hives 2 weak ones. One I put in a nuc with sugar syrup to try and help it out, not sure if it will be ok.

Home and made dinner.

Dog walk awaits me.

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