I had an amazing morning. Woke up to sunshine, a beautiful blue sky...and no work, so I took off down to the trails that take me down to the lake. I was sitting at the end of the pond when I heard a familiar sound - the trumpeting of approaching Trumpeter Swans.
I thought they were doing a fly-over, but they landed very close and then swam up to me. I posted a video on Facebook for those of you who know me on there. Worth a look as their behavior is a mating ritual to test the to speak! So amazing to watch!
They proceeded to wash and preen for a half hour. I finally had to leave but could have sat there for hours watching them. In extras, is one of the pair landing. By the way, I notified The Trumpeter Swan Association (who tags them, raises them, etc etc) and the male is Kanga. He and his mate summer in this area. Kanga is the one who has a feather on his beak...and the other extra is another of his mate. Main blip is his mate as well. She was quite photogenic and seemed to pose often for me.
It was a very good day...easy to forget how everything is a little bit 'off' at the moment. Hope yours was the same.
D x
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