Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Babywearing Preschool Ninja

Title refers to bottom right :)

Boo asked me to take these pics. Kicking myself for not having bought new flash batteries while I was out, but super high ISO aside, we had fun. He first asked me to put his baby in a sling on him. Then he said he needed to keep his baby close all day. Then he started doing some kinda kung-fu/tree-fu. Then he asked for a photoshoot, and in particular he wanted a photo of "me with my baby and you with your baby please Mummy". Sweetie pie. Almost makes up for him pushing me to the brinks of sanity in Ikea earlier today. Why oh why do I not learn my lesson?! Ikea plus Boo = stress. Meatballs are good though!

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