I can eat well in (coming out of) lockdown

The new hobby over here is comparing online deliveries of food. 
Supermarkets over here have never delivered and although some are now its fairly restricted;  each in a different way. But other suppliers have stepped in. Those who mainly supplied hotels and restaurants now offer deliveries to the public and they are amazing. I ordered online yesterday evening and at 9.10 this morning it was delivered.
Long before the virus the Co-op was forever running out of basic things like vegetables and living in town without a car there isn’t much choice of shops. 
But online is another game altogether. My fridge is crammed full of veg and I was also able to get things the Co-op simply don’t have; like a big jar of dried mushrooms, tinned jackfruit, tofu and even vacuum packed chestnuts. 
I would be really happy if I never had to go into a shop again...

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