
By rosesinDecember

"All day long"

This morning, E happily unpacked, sorted and carried to the shower C's cufflinks. She was utterly fascinated by the little box one pair came in (not the extra special ones which have already been relocated out of reach), even when she trapped a finger in it. She ignored C's requests to put them away so he had to do it himself when she was distracted by breakfast. Later, after our play date, a much less miserable walk than yesterday, and a snooze, E returned to the drawer to fill her hands with the cufflinks again. This time proudly hiding them under the duvet and in her own bag, remarking that one looked like a tiny "table", examining them, showing them to me, eyes twinkling.

She also sang the words "All day long" for the first time while doing the action for round and round (this was a new way of requesting the Peppa Pig episode where Goldie the fish goes to the vets and all the passengers sing The Wheels on the Bus to make her better).

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