May the 4th.....
Be with you .....
One of those days again. Rain during the morning. The sprayer contractor in applying liquid nitrogen fertiliser to 150 acres of grass. The fact that it was raining was a good thing as it helps wash it off the grass and into the ground. If it’s hot and sunny, windy or you get a frost it can scorch the leafs.
An afternoon spent on the phone with SRUC filling in my IACS subsidy form. Usually this is done at their offices at Roslin but obviously this year that can’t happen. So we both had to go over the maps , cropping and acreages by phone. It wasn’t too bad, managed all 102 fields in 90 minutes .
When we went to check cows tonight there was a Belgian Blue cow calved . Her udder was huge and not far off the ground and as usual the calf hadn’t sucked . So Littlemiss managed to follow on the quad while I walked them in to the steading. Of course they were at the far end of the field so it took a good 45 minutes to get them in.
Managed to milk her out and bottle feed the calf despite having mastitis in 2 of her 4 teats. So guess what one of tomorrow’s jobs will be !
This guy helped me remember what date it was, not easy just now !
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