
Went to see McCullin after work. I had a few issues with the film itself (being critical of documentaries is my job, after all), but what an amazing, courageous man. Some truly extraordinary and powerful images, and the heartbreaking thing is that the things he was photographing in the 60s and 70s - war and massacres and starving children - are all still there, more than ever. What a fucked-up world.

Afterwards I was really wishing I'd blipped earlier in the day, it seemed so futile and pointless to be taking a photograph of some random thing after seeing such astonishing work. But I persevered, and captured blue light reflected in a windswept puddle. And realised that, even if my taking a picture every day makes no difference to anyone but me, it makes my life better, and that's enough.

More Don McCullin here. Particularly apt quote for us blippers... "You can feast your eyes on a daily basis, although I suspect the average man on the street goes through life with narrowed vision, not seeing the whole scope of what's going on around him."

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