A quite disgustingly cute little thing, and it had 5 siblings too. Inspired by Colstro's blip of yesterday I decided to take a trip to Southchurch Park and check up on the various birds in and around the lake there. The coots were still out in force with 3 nests visible but no chicks as yet. They'd all used a fair bit of plastic in their building so, looking on the bright side, I guess the nests will last! ;) There were a few mallards and other ducks but the cormorants were nowhere to be seen... maybe they'd gone out for a meal. Then there were the swans who had managed to hatch 6 cygnets and were protectively shepherding them about the place, beating the living daylights of anything feathered that went near them! It was a nice reminder that life very much goes on for most of us.
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