Not Miss Judy's ....

.... but Marshall's Elm Farm, seen from Street Hill on our walk this afternoon.

Our morning got off to a bit of a worrying start when Kate phoned to let us know she was just taking Sophie to the A&E Dept at the hospital in Taunton. She'd been complaining that her hip hurt yesterday; overnight she had trouble sleeping and by this morning she couldn't put weight on her leg without it hurting. As she'd had a similar problem with her arms when she was still crawling as a baby, Kate contacted her local GP who checked Sophie via a video consultation and recommended the trip to A&E.

Apparently the staff at the hospital were brilliant. Both Kate & Sophie were given heart, breathing and temperature tests at the door before they were let in and Sophie was then given a thorough check over by two different doctors. The upshot of it all was they think it is just a muscular strain (Sophie had been kicking a ball about in the communal garden of their flat yesterday), gave her some painkilling medicine and want to check her again on Friday. As we've been told, our NHS is obviously still doing a great job dealing with all the day to day problems as well as Covid 19. We're very lucky to have them.

Anyway, today's LP on my alphabetical tour of my vinyl reached F for The Faces and their 1972 album "A Nod's As Good As A Wink To A Blind Horse". I was lucky enough to see them live a few times in the early 70s, memorably at The Greyhound in Croydon, where they arrived late, having apparently enjoyed more than a few relaxing drinks, and gave a brilliantly riotous show.

Here's a link to them performing (rather more sedately than when I saw them!) the first track on Side 1, "Miss Judy's Farm"

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