Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Passing Time or Time Passing

How does one who is accustomed to being on the move, force themselves to rest for long periods of time? Patiently waiting while cold germs die of exhaustion, running from a strong immune system that has been reinforced with fluids, rest, chicken soup Mmmm, and more rest.

Light reading...and I do mean light, but very enjoyable. It began a few months ago when strolling through the Friends of the Library bookstore. Used books always seem fun to me, but actually, I've never been a huge reader. I'm slow. I think slow, I read slow and my mind wanders while I'm doing it. This book caught my eye, only because of the dog. We have a friend who loves her dogs and this one would fit perfectly into her family.

The title delighted me too, and I thought it would make a nice gift to my friend...used or looked pretty new and fun! Not knowing if the story was any good, I proceeded to read bits of it to Paul while we were on a trip. I am blessed with the ability to read in a moving vehicle. Well, the jury was still out, so I kept reading, but when life got busy again, I just stopped.

Since I was home forcing fluids and strengthening my immune system's will to fight, and my sweet Contraptioneer was hanging around & laying low with me today, I finished reading the book! Speaking softly so I wouldn't cough :-) but it's done and now I can pass it along, sure that it is a delightful story.

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