
Well at least I hope it's a chiffchaff, certainly one was singing from that tree and this little bird came out on a high branch to have a photo taken. After my exercise walk, I painted a fence panel now accessible behind the buddleia that I cut right back and which is now growing quickly, then I did a 2nd coat this afternoon. I also sat out reading as it was a gloriously sunny day. 

When I was a toddler, evidently I used to love and 'dance' around to My Boy Lollipop - the singer Millie Small sadly died today, but I thought you might like to hear the song again

Day 52 / Day 44 of Full Lockdown (for my record only)
UK deaths up 649 to 30,076 (the first country in Europe to have over 30,000 confirmed CV deaths), Italy up 369 to 29,684, Spain up 244 to 25,857. In India, 122M have now lost their jobs. 

There were 69,403 tests yesterday, down significantly and it does look like the issuance of home testing kits was used to 'meet' the government target which is not on! Boris has pledged a capacity of 200,000 tests a day by the end of May, but I'm always wary of round no's like this that often hide the lack of a plan. There were 6,111 new cases diagnosed yesterday, so it is surprising that Boris is flagging a relaxing of some lockdown rules from Monday. It is reported that 18.1M people flew into Britain in Jan-Mar, but with only 273 tested (from China & Japan). 290,000 free boxes of food are being delivered to the shielded weekly. It was said in the briefing that each local economy needs a plan for coming out of lockdown. Carbon emissions this year are forecast to drop by 4-8%, so lets hope some lessons about home working etc will remain in place. 

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