CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Time for Shorts

A glorious, sunny day

Spent some time in the morning working on the Encouragement email and then lunch in the garden, which was looking lovely in the sunshine.

In the afternoon, we went out for our daily walk. Over a couple of holes of the Golf Course (where the Blip was taken) and then up a path which follows the Fithie Water. We didn’t find a branch path we were looking for, so we returned the same way we came - a total of 3.5 miles plus 2 miles of steps for the morning exercise. With all this exercise I am losing a bit more weight, which can only be good.

The news continues to be distressing. At our Prayer Meeting last night we were asking ourselves what we needed to be doing and how we needed to change in the light of this catastrophe which has hit the world. No easy answers but we know that things should never be the same as before.

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