Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Sunlit path

Took Kilda for a nice walk in the gardens this morning and managed to find a couple of squirrels as well. The sun was just starting to come from behinds the clouds while we were out. Other big news was that the Government have a ‘Try retirement early’ scheme apparently and my work have decided to put me on it as a result of all the hard work and achievements I’ve done this year. As a result next week will be my last week a work till June. At least they are going to ensure we still get full pay and benefits while we decide if retirement is for me. J took Kilda for a walk in the gardens while I pop out to see the neighbours for cocktail hour. By 7.30 there were a few more people than normal. After the article in the Edinburgh World Heritage website we have a drive by from the Rozzers. Time for a sharp exit, the irony was lost on some of the people in the group. Nice night in watching TV afterwards.

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