No guesses needed to where you'd find me
on a beauty sunny day. Yep! Up on the plot. :- ) I threw on 3 layers thinking it was a tad cool when I got up at 6ish but soon had to peel a layer off, then it was two, by 9am it was beautifully warm. I weeded the onion beds, added another line of support to the broad bean plants. Had a chat with Richard & Shirley, their daughter who lives on Guernsey has been suffering with Covid19 for the past 5 weeks. A phone call from her yesterday to say she had been tested and was now clear .. A relief for all concerned.
Hubby arrived to construct the fencing to keep the comfrey bed tidy. I quickly moved anything i thought might be an obstacle as his balance is not so good. Job done! I want to encourage him up to the plot but it' makes it hard work for me as I'm worried all the time that he's going to fall over. Another project lined up but we did'nt have any staples/u nails. U nails, never heard them called that before but that's what one of the allotmentees called them. Mum did'nt have many either .. Blow! I locked up, drove down to Mum, she wanted some cash from her account plus shopping, so I nipped out to Bovey Tracey, did her shop in the Coop, up to Spar for her cash. Back to Chudleigh Knighton, fixed up a new washing line for her, then sat outside in the sunshine with a Danish & coffee.
Back to Chudders, made hubby lunch, then back up to the allotment, I'd left my camera in the shed. I turned the empty bed in readiness .. beans I reckon, but I also want to plant more peas, & a block of sweetcorn IF I can get seed. So I laid down in the doorway of my shed to take this pic cross the allotment, sadly into the sun so not ideal conditions, NOT that I'm making excuses ... :- ))
Thanks to steveng for hosting Wide Wednesday ... 'Enhanced prosective'. Had to look that one up .. :- )
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