PAIN RELIEF: Hopefully

Trouble sleeping last night with the phantom tooth haunting me.
I would have preferred to skip Ladies Golf Club today, but
I was in a partner tournament.
The Preserve Golf Course had a one hour frost delay.
Plus, wind and cold dogged us the entire round.
I kept the propane heat pumping inside my covered cart.
Yep, you heard me right.

After about three holes.
I felt the sutures covering #30's grave, loosen.
Then, Hack, Hack.
Pieces of bone kept getting caught in my throat.
Fortunately, no one had to perform a Heimlich maneuver on me.

When I got home, and looked in the mirror.
Puffy pink, inflamed gums stared back at me.
Off to the Oral Surgeon.
Wondering if he graduated Bottom-of-His-Class.
Someone had to.

The diagnosis. Infection.
The solution, take the bone graft out.
Ouch, again,
Perhaps he could have waited,
Till my mouth was fully numb.

Since this graft didn't take,
Doc offered a little discount of my upcoming implant.
Are you kidding?
Would I let you touch my pearly whites, again?
Of course, I couldn't say this with my mouth full.

Last Thursday, I did wonder about his visual acuity.
After checking out one of my crane images,
He said, "I took this exact photo."
Exactly, you say? Exactly?
Are you kidding?
To prove this, Dentist-Who-Photographs,
Retrieved the duplicate from his iPhone.
I guess exactly means:
Cranes flying. Not in formation.
Not taking off. Not in good light.

Thanks so much for favs and lovely comments ,
About Mama Anna Hummingbird, yesterday.
You guys know how to boost a girl's spirits.

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