The Passage of Time...

Autumn Beckons...The Boss popped a heavier sweat on today. It was sorta designed to cope with colder days and it came from Banff last year and he was wondering if we would ever see that place again. “Our” Lady ( NZ Prime Minister) was on TV this arvo advising about the future with a risk downgrade to level 2 possibly next week and how we should NOT GO MAD and throw large parties. Most sensible folk will not as its the togetherness in NZ that has got us this far, BUT nothing is decided until next week. We had a great zoom meeting of The Boss’s photo group with a member from the UK attending too  and everyone was chuffed to see her and it was wonderful that she stayed up so late to attend. BIG barks for that  “D” 
Staggering through town we spotted this car in extras and thought the person who owned it had a terrible burden to face until the car got replaced anyway...

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