
By SLPlearning

A Long Way in a Short Time

'My name is Diane and I never used to believe the people who said they'd gone a long way in a short time, now I do.

I'm lucky enough to have ten healthy children, six are doing well at school, four of them have  dyspraxia, ADHD, dyslexia and autism and need some stimulation and support to keep focused. I won't pretend, it can be hard sometimes but I didn't believe that me having some time out twice a week could make such a difference to us as a family.

During lockdown I've been using what I've learned at my 5 steps programme to try and keep us all on track and remembering to keep to the positive.

When I think I'm being bossy-I remember I'm their leader, I provide the vision for my family in these strange times. When I think oh no, one of the children is being dramatic and hyperactive, I remember they are passionate and energetic and need ways to occupy their time. Whilst I used to think my daughter was talkative I've learned that she enjoys communicating and have found ways to help her achieve her dreams. My son was described by a teacher as unfocused but having tried a few things with him I now know he is a multi-tasker who can pay attention to many things all at once.

For me I've learned there is always tomorrow when something doesn't go as planned and that I'm not stubborn I am actually persistent and determined.

I'm missing the reinforcement of all of this from my new found friends in the 5 steps programme and their rebellious, impulsive and demanding ways but we all have the same things in common we're finding our way, acting instinctively and becoming better at expressing what we want.

The zoom sessions are good but they're not a replacement for the physical support you get from the nearness of someone who knows exactly what you're feeling and says the right thing at the right time. I think if I hadn't gone along to that family learning group (picture is kids and parents in science) and joined in the course afterwards I might not really feel it was okay to have the children all at home at the same time right now.

I'm looking forward to that first day back, I know there will be tea and cake, and time to take stock of all we've learned about ourselves.

I really do feel I have come a long way in a short time.'

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