More vegetables...

I normally roast vegetables for two days at a time and then then vary what I put with them each day; couscous, lentils, tofu, pasta, halloumi or whatever is in the cupboard or fridge.

Yesterday one of my geocaching friends phoned to give me a clue about the cache I couldn’t find earlier in the week. It was in a really easy place but he climbed over a grass bank and a granite wall and goodness knows what else before he found it almost in plain sight. My friend is 82 years old! 
So after letting the more elderly than me do the hard work I walked there this afternoon and found it quite easily.

Today we’ve had our exercise time increased from 2 hours to 4 hours per day. Now I have no excuse for walking a bit further for geocaches except that I’m enjoying crocheting blankets for stressed children...
Apparently the latest statistics have put our Coronavirus testing rates among the highest in the world so we can be confident that our R rate is a fair assessment. And our stated tests are one test per person. Subsequent  retesting of a person is not counted and no tests are “in the post”.Our death rate is also 100% accurate.

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