Two steps forward...

By stevvi


I got my Thursday visit to Tesco out of the way early(ish) and then trundled off to Belfairs Woods for a wander as the weather is glorious. Having taken the obligatory dandelion in sunlight photo (I seem to take one of those a day "just in case" but, fortunately, haven't had to use one yet!) I went in search of a more interesting subject. Apart from the odd human, a magpie and a dachshund there seemed to be no living animals at all, certainly none close enough to photograph. It was a bit weird. Resigned to probably using the dandelion pic I headed back to the car. On the way there I saw this squirrel, took a very quick snap before it ran off around the corner. I crept around the corner too and there was the squirrel amongst some bluebells so I crouched down and took some photos. The squirrel didn't move until I was finished and stood up. Maybe it thought I couldn't see it? Either way, I knew that was my blip sorted for today :)

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