What Ho! Fellow blippers.

Another industrious day here at Lockdown Cottage (not). I had planned a day of grass cutting and gardening. Fortunately a dozen drops of rain fell and all hope of horticulture was gleefully abandoned, a washout declared. 

So daytime TV, some puzzles, a bit of reading, lunch. My arse was getting sore - (sofa burn), so out for well over an hour waking the dog. A pleasant enough amble. Discovered a bottle of Dublin's finest hiding in the scullery. That was the rest of the afternoon sorted. On my eighteenth birthday I went to our local Spar supermarket and bought a bottle of the blackest of stouts. I was so disappointed! After 44 years of practice I have mastered the art of drinking it (not pouring it if the photo is anything to go by.)

Curiously the best by date on the bottle suggests it should be consumed before 11:30 on the 4th of January next year. Whether that degree of precision is justified is moot, by the time you read this all that remains will be beery burps.

Stay safe. Don't believe everything you hear on the news.

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