Wild Wednesday ...

... the normal.

We knew that the weather was more favorable for a walk early in the day so we went to Louise Moore County Park after doing some grocery shopping. The photo of Richard was taken during our walk. And the gardening sign was taken on our way to the park.  Since R is the gardener of the family I thought it was apropos.

I didn't get out to the backyard with my camera until the afternoon.  The lighting was simply awful and it was lightly raining but I was out there nevertheless!  I was sitting on the cement steps just outside the sunroom photographing whatever I could when a chickadee landed on the hanging flower pot directly in front of me! I hardly had time to get a few shots of him/her before s/he was gone in a flash! 

Thank you so much for all the Happy Anniversary wishes yesterday!

These COVID-19 stats are a two day total ~ 
Pennsylvania COVID-19 by the numbers (as of 12:00 PM today 5/06/20):
Positive cases in Pennsylvania  - 51,845* (an increase of 1,753)
Negative cases in Pennsylvania - 204,495
Number of deaths in Pennsylvania 3,106-  (an increase of 648)
Cases in Northampton County -  2,313 (122 deaths)

* Total case counts include confirmed and probable cases.

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