
By Lenore

Is it the end of the day?


The boys slept really badly last night and have been really grouchy all day long. 

Up since 4.15.  Work at 4.30.  Boss on the phone at 6.05, followed by two and a half hours of frantic calls from him sorting things out, including a disagreement about how to proceed on something. Quick, fraught switch around of work routine with the husband kicked off the desk so that I can work.  

Missed my run, which means missing the all important 'time-out'.

I took the boys up to the local wood for the afternoon, partly because we needed to get out and partly because the husband needed the quiet.  Was blissful for a while, we made a shelter, toasted marshmallows and enjoyed the calm, until I had a call from my boss and I had to pack up and get back (to re-send him something I'd sent this morning).  Tried to plant some seedlings that had arrived today, managed a few before the youngest grabbed some and broke them, was desperately hard not to be angry. 

Boys are still awake now, the eldest has been woken up by the youngest who has emptied most of my cleanser onto himself, the bed and his (sleeping) brother.

Roll 'on bed time. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The phones going down at 6.30 and 20 minutes respite! 
Advice from a work colleague which was very kind 
A hug from the husband when I felt like crying - we agreed that it might actually make me cry even more, managed to hold it back!

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