campervan man

By campervan

Then there was two

It is horribly hot and sticky here this afternoon, hence the very early blip posting. We need, and are possibly forecast, a thunderstorm to clear the air.
This is part of my growing area. We inherited the greenhouse in the picture, so its possibly getting on for 20 years old. Whilst developing this area we found the greenhouse was in the wrong place, a newer bigger one was to sit where it was. Rather than scrapping it we thought we would try and move it and very surprisingly we succeeded. OK its not quite square and some panes are held in place with Gorilla Tape but it works.
The two long thin beds were the floor of the pollytunnel until the winds earlier this year. We will be replacing it but with the social distancing currently in force the only workers available is me. So we are waiting until better times  (and workers)arrive.
If you look along side the greenhouse you will see a long thin coffin type thing, it be a raised bed when filled with soil. It matches the on in front of the greenhouse as featured in a previous blip.  All sorts of rubbish has been dumped in the bottom of these twp boxes to help drainage, rubble, a big old tin flower pot, metal staging we found down the side of the garage and an old whorlly gig washing line found in the same place. Even if nothing grows in them this year the rest of the garden looks a whole lot tidier.
Two down, one more to go.

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