
By Gochan6

flying..across our lounge room

over xmas, my bro and I took my niece (bro's daughter) xmas shopping. She needed to buy something for her 'friend' and needed my help choosing something. We went to a Hobby and Model shop - all these cool kitset model planes and things...and we figured out her friend would like one of the planes to build - they come with their own paint and everything. We got it down to four possibilities...one of them cost more than the money she had, so I said I'd cover the difference, because she was making a fair sacrifice to buy one of these things, and I thought it was very nice and cool of her to go to all this trouble, and to ask for her uncles opinion. So eventually she decided on one, mainly because it had the option of applying NZ Airforce markings - we were in NZ. So we go to the counter and she hands over her hard-earned cash - money she probably would have loved to spend buying something for her. Shopping trip finished and forgotten.
Xmas day, I open a present addressed to me, and out comes the model kitset plane. I couldn't stop laughing - duped by my niece, to my face, and I almost chipped in for it as well! Well done my niece for a great pressie - was proud to receive that gift and had a great time painting and building it - one great moment over xmas 2012.
I couldn't just do a normal shot for this one - there had to be a bit of drama this time - so here it is, no detailed close-ups, just a silver Mustang P51 warbird, streaking across the sky our loungeroom , under a full moon lounge lights - just a sleek silhouette.

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