Thank you.

Thank you all for the kind messages, hearts and stars following the death of my mother yesterday. I was over whelmed with support and love  I received. I expected to grieve alone or at least have to deal with some hostility from other members of my family but it has been the complete opposite.

My brother has been very supportive of my decision about funeral arrangements. I haven't fully decided whether or not I should go (if lock down doesn't make the decision for me) but also my son has said he would happily go in my place. She might well get 3 people there.

I'm feeling better than I did yesterday. I was a little lost yesterday and worried about feelings to come but I feel almost fine today. No guilt or remorse. Just relief. I'm sure feelings will change in time. That's just part of the process but it has also made the family a little more scared of Covid 19 now that someone they knew has been affected by it.

Today, being the 75th anniversary of VE day, we had a Spitfire fly past as the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead was used to treat the burn victims of the war. I thought it might be nice to go for a walk to our bench on a hill that over looks East Grinstead but we could hardly see the Spitfire. Had we stayed at home, it would have flown right over our house!!!!

As I had my camera with me, I took the opportunity to gather up some of Bellas favourite fir cones. She sat beautifully while I made a heart then she got to choose which one she wanted to carry with her!!!

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